Rebecca Turner

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Why did you become a dietitian? 

The answer hasn’t changed in nearly a decade. I have always been in awe of the fact that you can (to some degree) control your overall health and wellness by the (consistent) food and beverage choices you make. To me, it was like finding the Holy Grail of health secrets. If you want to look, feel, and live your best life, fuel your body with God-given nourishment. 

Seems incredibly simple to me, yet so many struggle to make the same deep connection with their daily food choices and their overall health. I’ll admit, sometimes I struggle to keep my composure sitting on the sidelines watching some of you wreck your health, and take the long road to get what you say you want, by trying gimmicks, fad diets, and half-assing (excuse my French) a decent attempt at healthy living. 

My best description of the frustration I feel for you not seeing the forest for the trees is played out in a fight scene over lemons from the movie The Break-Up. You don’t have to have seen the movie to get the point. 

Jennifer Anniston plays Brooke, a loving girlfriend who has slaved way in the kitchen preparing a meal for guests. Vince Vaughn plays Gary, the non-appreciating boyfriend who forgets to bring her 12 lemons and offers no help in making a meal for their mutual friends. 

Of course, Gary offers excuse upon excuse why it wasn’t a big deal that he didn’t get the right number of lemons, blowing off his willingness to equally participate in the production of the event. He assumed zero responsibility for flubbing. 

The pivotal part is when Brooke screams at the top of her lungs – I WANT YOU TO WANT TO GET THE LEMONS. Meaning, it wasn’t that Gary forgot the lemons it’s that he didn’t respect her enough to show up fully and do his part in a healthy relationship. All she wanted was for him to acknowledge her request and get the right number of lemons because he wanted to do right by her. 


That means no excuses, no shortcuts, just an authentic desire to respect your body enough to do right by it by your daily decisions. Your intentions are what drives your results. 

You can manipulate the world of nutrition all you want to get what you want out of it – quick results, fitness magazine-worthy defined muscles, or a thigh-gap – but it all comes with a cost. 

Most of you are forfeiting a mature and long-lasting relationship with food and your health for wanting your body to change for all the worldly reasons and not because you genuinely wish to be in good health. Because good health doesn’t always “look” like you want it to and it still cost more than you are willing (to admit you are ready) to give up. 

The Bible is clear on motives and intentions – one gut-wrenching depiction of checking your reasons (yes, even with your incentives on choosing a diet plan) is in the fourth chapter of James. 

James 4: 2-3 (AMP) 

You are jealous, and covet [what others have] and your desires go unfulfilled; [so] you become murderers. [To hate is to murder as far as your hearts are concerned]. You burn with envy and anger and are not able to obtain [the gratification, the contentment, and the happiness that you seek], so you fight and war. You do not have because you do not ask. 

[Or] you do ask [God for them] and yet fail to receive because you ask with wrong purpose and evil, selfish motives. Your intentions are [when you get what you desire] to spend it in sensual pleasures. 

How many times have you gotten mad at yourself (a diet plan, a pill, powder or even a dietitian’s recommendations) or even God for not melting the fat away, like it appeared it did for the “other” people? How many times do you burn with envy scrolling through social media, walking through your day, all the while ordering meals you know aren’t balanced, skipping the exercise you know is needed or turning to sweets instead of God for stress? 

There is a war going on inside of you – and you’re fighting the wrong enemy. 

Today, take an honest inventory of your intentions and motives to be healthy. That may uncover some hard truths, but the Truth will set you free. But do you want to be free? 

Tough questions. 
I’m not here to coddle you. 
I’m here to help you want to want to get the lemons! 
I’m here to challenge how you think, not what you eat. 

You have no clue how much I truly desire to see you set free from the world's standards of healthy and happy and get your eyes on God sees for your health and overall wellbeing.