Aplos Restaurant in Jackson, Mississippi
Find your tribe and love them.
That is the favorite saying that refers to finding those special friends that love you for you and help you navigate this life with love, clarity, and laughter. Once you find that tribe, you should make a point to see them often, and if at all possible, over a good meal.
These two ladies and I have been scheduling regular lunch dates for as long as I can remember. This group is unique because we don’t run in the same weekday circles, we attend different churches, live in varying zip codes, and have children of different ages, but we meet once a month to support each other while enjoying a new local restaurant. While every meal is different, the conversations are typically the same. We catch up on professional adventures, parenting blunders, and marital martial arts. (Marriage can feel like martial arts sometimes!)
My girl Ashley suggested a new place in Highland Village, Aplos. It labels its self as a fast-fine Mediterranean restaurant that focuses on eateries you might find throughout Italy, Greece or the Middle East. I’ll have to take their word for it because I’ve never had the pleasure of eating in those countries. Service was friendly, and the atmosphere was inviting. Although when us three get to yapping a packed room fades into the background.
The food was photo worthy (ha, not that it matters, but it matters) and just as delicious to eat (the most important part). Enjoy a few photos of our first experience. I am not getting paid to promote their location, but I will sincerely be back!
The roasted cauliflower is worth a try.
As a registered dietitian, it warms my heart to see so many plant-based dishes on a menu. The produce was fresh, crisp, and full of flavor. No wonder that the Mediterranean diet remains named one of the top eating plans anyone can follow and reap healthy results. Heart-healthy, heart happy.
Top notch hummus.
I ordered the Aplos salad bowl with chicken, dressing on the side and an order of hummus with vegetables and pita bread. Rate Your Plate, and you snag protein (chicken), a carbohydrate (half the pita bread), veggies galore, a dairy food (feta cheese), and heart-healthy fat (from the hummus and very sparingly dressing.) I didn’t let anything go to waste and took half the hummus and most of the dressing to enjoy at home. Main meals need 4-5 different food groups to be balanced.
Greek pizza!
Bonus! I brought home the leftover hummus and feta dressing. Offered it to my six-year-old, and she lapped it up with carrots and whole-grain crackers.
“Enjoy good health, good food and take time for the good things! ”