You can help end hunger in Mississippi!
What is for lunch?
A common question families ask after leaving Sunday worship. The debate begins over whether it will be pizza, BBQ, or a Southern-style buffet. Maybe your family gathers around a table for a home-cooked spread. For most of us, the question is what’s to eat, not if you’ll have enough to eat.
Are you aware that 1:4 children in Mississippi woke up this morning not knowing if they would have food at all?
Chances are on a pew near you there was a parent or grandparent anxiously awaiting the final amen, headed home with a growling tummy just like yours, but not 100% sure if there will be enough to eat. It is phenomena known as “food insecurity” which doesn’t mean your neighbor shows the “typical” signs of hunger, but are struggling behind closed doors to feed their family consistently.
Mississippi has the nation’s highest levels of food insecurity. About 600,000+ of our neighbors (about 20% of the state’s total population) struggles with having enough food.
If you spent your morning at a respective place of worship and would consider yourself a Christian, then whether you realize it or not, you have a responsibility to help bridge the gap for those food insecure families.
Don’t believe me?
Read your Bible.
Just as Jesus called the Twelve to change their respected world 2,000 years ago, He invites us to join with him NOW to change ours. As a follower of Jesus, you should enter a season of transformation that generates an internal change that also entails you being part of a public transformation that helps those around you in tangible ways.
““You’re so heavenly minded, you’re no earthly good.””
All of us who live and worship in Mississippi share in the responsibility (whether you acknowledge it or not) for tackling the state’s problems and showing all the residents compassion.
Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning. – Frederick W. Faber
If you get down to it, Jesus came to earth with a pretty clear mission statement.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full-”
Without food, there is no life.
You can help provide the food, Jesus will save life.
Many of you are doing your part. This state is full of people with a servant’s heart, helping those that need a hand up, not just a handout. I can call many of them by name, as I meet with them annually to celebrate the work of the Mississippi Food Network (MFN) at the annual Moonlight Market.
As you scroll through the photos, you’ll see smiling faces, delicious food, and an entertaining event. What you don’t witness is the 150,000 Mississippians (yes, in your state) that get fed through the generous donations that come through MFN. You also don’t see the 500,000+ more that MFN is unable to reach due to lack of recourses.
That is where YOU come in.
All I ask is that you go to their page and get to know them, spread this message, and if you feel so compelled to donate. A $10 monthly gift would provide 60 meals. And if you have more questions about hunger in Mississippi message me. I’m happy to answer your questions and share how you can get more involved.