World Breastfeeding Week
I’m all about celebrating world breastfeeding week! Motherhood is a lot like this pandemic — moms are all in the same crazy, unpredictable storm of highs and lows, but no two moms are in the same boat.
Breastfeeding both my girls is something I’ll forever cherish, but I’d never judge a woman for choosing a different path. See, to be successful at breastfeeding, all the planets must align - a body that will make milk, a baby who will accept it, and a support system in terms of family, friends, and work. And even then, it is often an uphill battle with your sacrifices and emotional struggles.
But the part that brings me hope for moms in the future is the uptick in public support. I’ve nursed both of my girls is the most common and oddest places and never have been made to feel uncomfortable. That’s not everyone’s story, but it’s mine.
My favorite is when you get the “wink” or “wave” from fellow moms who see you quietly feeding your baby as a salute of support. We need more of that in the world — winks and waves of loving-kindness.
Even at a water park.