Consider how precious a soul must be when both God and the devil are after it.

“Consider how precious a soul must be when both God and the devil are after it.” Charles Spurgeon

When it comes to living a healthier life, you might feel you are at war with yourself, about yourself, and you don’t stand a chance. That is because you are fighting the wrong enemy and using the wrong weapon. Satan doesn’t care about the size of your thighs, but he cares because YOU care. Therefore, he will use that insecurity against you to distract you from living God's life for you. You can’t be all in for God’s plan if your eyes stay fixed on a scale or the mirror. In my opinion, one of the devil's most significant achievements is the “wellness industry,” stealing the West’s resources and attention to be in constant search for a worldly standard or health, beauty, and happiness.

Jesus doesn’t care about the size of your thighs. But, He, too, cares because YOU care. Many of us do not take our body image insecurities or struggle with food to God because we have a twisted idea that He’s disappointed we can’t have “discipline” or “self-control” over our temple.

That’s another lie from the enemy.

Have you ever thought that your struggle with food and body is an invitation to drawer nearer to God? To lean into and trust the Holy Spirit promptings around food? Knowing that when significant changes in your daily habits or health occur, there’s only one who can get the glory because you were too weak to achieve it on your own.

What if another diet isn’t the weapon you need but a deeper relationship with Christ?

What if you turned your shame around food and your body size into a reason to worship?

What if today you prayed and asked God to open your eyes to all the ways the enemy keeps you distracted with food or the scale?

What if we could all be as happy as a baby, running wild and free in their skin, as is?

Rebecca Turner