Ever so often, you find women, sincerely supporting other women, and that tickles me pink! Magnolia Moms is a blog about raising a traditional family in a modern world while trying to stay true to Southern roots & traditions while embracing a modern world. I’m so excited to join the Magnolia Mom’s blogging team. Please take a second to give them a like and follow them on Facebook and Instagram and read my introductory message below.
"I carry many labels that I am proud of, author, registered dietitian, radio host, television presenter, and nutrition counselor. Beyond those I’m a child of God, daughter to Bill and Betty, wife to Dalco, and mom to Neely and Emliee James (EJ), and friend to many. Carry, was a deliberate verb, because with each label comes the weight of responsibilities and expectations upon my shoulders.
It’s in my DNA to strive for a life of excellence and good health, but as you know, figuring out how to balance it all can be a challenge. Not to mention, the world says that women should be able to do it all, take care of everyone, need nothing from anyone, and look smoking hot while doing it. Most women, including myself, go through life questioning themselves, doubting their abilities to juggle the world’s expectations, and viciously chase a vain vision of wellness that robs their joy and energy to manage the things that matter.
My journey has been full of peaks and valleys. At times, I have felt certain and then uncertain. Strong, then insecure. Determined and defeated. Fearless and drowning in fear. But throughout it all, one thing has always been constant: My faith and my passion for helping people take control of their health. It wasn't until my thirties that I started taking control of my spiritual, mental, and physical health for the right reasons, discovering God’s vision for my life, and pursuing that without worrying about the world’s standard.
I’m still a work in progress, but I’m ready to bring you on that journey with me. Together, I believe we can help create a world where our daughters and sons nourish their bodies knowing it’s heavenly worth, and don’t waste decades pursuing worldly perfection, like their mothers did. Sarcasm is my love language, and I refuse to live a life without chips, cheese, chardonnay, and Jesus Christ. Amen."